Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Why dont African Americans have hair like white people. Now dont get me wrong Africna Americans have millions of peolple in their race who have nice hair, I know cause im one of them. Yes I also know that millions of white people have nice hair, I know cause my best friends mom is one of them. All I want to know is there something diffrent with a white persons hair or something in it? Sorry if this seems rascist cause its not intended to be.


it is a gene thing, how you are made up during conception has to do with what kind of hair you will have when you are born. =] good luck!


genetics. so i'm asain and most asian (filipino) have thin hair and i have big thick hair. its just the basic foudnation of genetics


not all white people have nice hair i know cause i am one o them lol. my hair frizzes out alot. but noone really knows why it is the way it is. it just is


Perhaps it could be your genes..


Its not rascist at all.

im guessing its because of where african americans are from

you see

in africa its really hot all year long.

and humid

so there hair is a diffrent texture because through generations it becomes more adapted i guess you could say to its living conditions.

just ike thats why there skin is dark so that they dont really get sunburned.


Interesting question. I always wondered that myself.

I found this article about the science behind it, although I feel there are more educated people who could really go deep into why.


African American hair is more appropiate for warm climates (just like flat noses, they prevent dust from getting into the nostrils) long noses help to warm the air in colder climates. Please learn to love yourself. All cultures have different hair types (even some of white friends hate their hair because they cant do enough with it, its too thin, it can even be course) accept who you are. I am African American and I love me! Please learn to accept thing about you, I bet youre beautiful...


well they have different hair because they come a place that have more sun and wait a sec


actually the hair on a caucasoid (or white person) is rounder, while a person of african ancestry their hair is flatter/wider and is squeezed as it grows by the scalp much like when you have a streamer and take one side of the scissors and scrape it along the curls up. The african's decsent hair is also wider and contains more oils than a caucasoid.


because Africans and Americans have differant traits and were located in completely diff. places on the globes hundreds of years ago!


this is such a weird question, it's like asking why are white ppl white and why are black ppl black, look if you educate yourself on the origins of human kind, the very beginning you may notice that our features adapted to our environment. But, ehhhh there is no because in this it's just how we adapted to our environment, we are all the same when it all comes down to what we're made of, you can read this and you'll see for yourself there is no real difference in both types of hair


Your question about hair begs another question. What does hair do for the human body? First of all it acts as a chimney to vent gases from the body. It also is a secondary sex organ. See Proffessor Arnold Ehret's book on Rational Fasting, their is one chapter devoted to the preservation of the hair.

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