i'm african american and i have never cut my hair in my life (i'm14) but it's not even to my shouldersę„¹?!
Why doesn't african hair grow fast?
African American hair can be very dry and break easily, which can make it not seem to grow. Make sure to keep your hair properly moisturized using products specifically for African American hair. Also curly hair doesn't seem to grow as fast as straight hair because it just keeps twisting up.
Why doesn't african hair grow fast?
Genetics, maybe?
Why doesn't african hair grow fast?
I am a cosmetologist %26amp; african american. Fact: All hair grows 1/2 every month. This includes us! Fiction: African American hair can be very dry and break easily. This can be true for all hair types, not particularly ours. Fact: moisture is the key to growth but only when there is a balance between it and protien, your hair needs both. Fiction: You don't have to purchase products specifically for AA hair. I currently use Kenra, a popular product amongst the caucasion %26amp; asian and it works great on my hair, I also use Paul Mitchell, another popular caucasion product.
Here is a link that I think you will find sooo helpful. www.longhaircareforum.com
You will find a wealth of info, what products work/don't, how to promote healthy hair growth, ect. I am also a member there. If you need any specific questions answered, just email me.
Why doesn't african hair grow fast?
If you want to grow your hair you can take steps to get that done...There are certain things that you need to know about how to take care of African American hair...no...you don't need to use African American products...but you need to find the products that are ideal for you hair type get your mother to help you out on this and have her check out this website...
It has everything that you need layed out...for you..I'd look up your hair type, look up demarcation line (it sounds like you wear your hair down sometimes), look up protective hairstyles, childrens hair and the crown and glory technique...I've been following this method and website for a year now..and my hair is growing just fine and healthy from a shaved short style (like Halle Berry short) to just past my shoulders..The long hair care forum is great to look at too and so is the
But for a good understanding of everything that is happening to your hair for someone your age...I'd look at the grow afro long hair....Good luck and email with any questions!
Why doesn't african hair grow fast?
It's your maintence of your hair which makes the process slow. Start messaging your scalp with an hair oil that contains natural herbs and vitamins. limit your use of heated hair appliances. wrap up your hair every night with a silk scarf. Do not use rubber bands in your hair. You really need to clip your ends if you never had them done before.
Why doesn't african hair grow fast?
not everyone's hair grows equally ....though it's true that african hair doesn't often grow as long as other types it's rather naive to assume ur lack of hair growth is due to ur race....i am a canadian of african descent and i have mid back hair so it really has nothing to do with you race.....lyk seriousli
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