Saturday, August 1, 2009

African American woman with dry and itchy scalp and losing hair.?

I've been getting relaxers for over 20 years every 5-6 weeks and I've never had a problem.For the past few months I've been suffering from dry,itchy scalp.About 5 weeks ago I used Scalpicin to relieve the itch.I asked my stylist if I should wash my hair before the relaxer.I told her it was an itch relief product but I didn't tell her the name.She said it should be okay without washing before.While she was washing my hair, after applying the relaxer, my hair started falling out from the root.For the past month it has gradually been falling out when I comb it.I had shoulder length hair which had to be cut into a short bob.It still continued falling out so now I have a very short hair cut all shaved in the back and only a little at the top.The stylist says it was because of the Scalpicin.I don't know what to think.Maybe it's b/c I'm stressed.I don't want to use relaxers anymore.I want to go natural.Any tips for relieving the itch and going natural?My hair is thick,dry,coarse and sensitive

African American woman with dry and itchy scalp and losing hair.?

First off getting relaxers every five to six weeks is asking for trouble. Even on the box they say to wait at least 6 to 8 longer if you can. Trust me it is way more healthier fr your head, but since you want to transition I can help with that. I am close to six months post relaxer myself and it looks as if I am transitioning. A itchy scalp can come from build up from the products your put on your hair. Most likely a clarifying shampoo to remove it will help and then a good conditioner for moisture. When transitioning to natural you can so one of two things. Cut your hair down to the new growth and wear a TWA (teenie weenie afro) until you hair grows out. If you don't want a short cut you can grow your natural hair out for as long as you can stand then cut. In other words don't get a relaxer for a year of more and when your new growth is a decent length then cut. Just make sure you keep the new growth moisturized and combed to prevent matting (tangles) which will cause breakage. I hope I didn't confuse you but if you have any questions e-mail me.

African American woman with dry and itchy scalp and losing hair.?

you need to check with a dermatoligist

African American woman with dry and itchy scalp and losing hair.?

1st of all relax. getting stressed will make the problem worse. use mosturising shampoo and conditioner for dry damaged hair. i like pantene coz its good for such cases. also use pantene oil replacement cream it relieves the dryness and itchiness.

then use hair serum which is a good anti-frizz agent like kerastese. with time ur hair will look and feel better

African American woman with dry and itchy scalp and losing hair.?

Check up AVON coz they have lot of advanced techniques for hair-styling and also moisturisers which could possibly help you best. See their new catalogue listed here and set up a date with a professional advisor or shop online at it will also cost you less.

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