Saturday, August 1, 2009

To my african americans about hair...?

I want to know how come you can't get braids after you just had a relaxer/perm will it mess up your hair or something. And is getting braids good or bad for your hair. Cuz my sister told me that it'll make your hair grow but my friend says it'll break it out...which is it?

To my african americans about hair...?

aside from all the other answers of weakening the hair. Fresh after a relaxer hair won't hold the braids well at all they would pretty much slip right out. Braids encourage growth unless they are too tightly in which case the hair will snap from the stress

To my african americans about hair...?

it will grow

To my african americans about hair...?

-maybe the relaxer perm makes your hair tender(because the scalp gets burned)

-maybe beacuse its hard to put braids in straight hair.

-Your hair grows regardless. How big you make the braids and how long you leave them in are the 2 factors which determines whether it breaks off or not.

To my african americans about hair...?

I dont really wear braids anymore like i use to when i was younger but sumtimes it depends on ur hair texture, i have wavy hair thats very soft bcuz im mixed, but braids can be a good thing and a bad thing bcuz u can condition ur hair while u have the braids in, if you take care of them well while u have them then they will help ur hair grow, if no then it will break ur hair off, and u should never have them braided too tight thats like the worst, ur edges will fall out. but jus keep them conditioned well. And about the relaxer/perm thing its not good because the hair is weakened and it has to build back up, you should give atleast two weeks or more for it too get its strength back.

To my african americans about hair...?

The chemicals in relaxers dissolve the bonds in your hair to make it straight, so braiding straight after relaxing will just make the hair even more weak.

From personal experience I had my hair braided with synthetic extensions for about 3 or 4 months last year and my hair grew (I think it was about an inch and a half but I can't remember). Though I must say since then I've had my hair relaxed a few times and my hair is breaking like crazy!

To my african americans about hair...?

you cant get braids directly after a relaxer and you cant get a relaxer directly after braids. it causes stress on your hair. things like too much combing and pulling on the hair will break it off. this is why sometimes girls who have braids around the edges of thier scalp get the little bumps there because they pull their hair back or they are always moving the top layers away from their face. which causes tension and pulling, hair isnt elastic, it isnt meant to reach to unnatural lengths.

to answer your other question it would depend on the girl. braids are healthy for your hair if you dont leave them in too long and if you manage them welll while you have them in. the every day combing and straightening is what can put added damage to your hair. (if you are constantly flat ironing or curling it creates hot spots in your hair and it fries that particular spot and thats exactly where it will break at.) with braids it works the same way. too much tension at the scalp can cause it to break as well.

(using anti breakage and scalp revitalizers can help to make it stronger for curling and heat.)

some girls believe braids break their hair off because they begin to shed when they take thier braids down but depending on how long they keep them you have to remember that your hair sheds everyday about an inch or two and so there will be some breakage. however if you notice extreme breakage i would suggest not wearing the braids.

i wear braids occasionally but my hair is at its longest point then ever and i havent had braids in about a year. i wash my hair every 2 to 3 weeks, i do deep conditionings everytime i wash it and i perm it every 6 weeks.

some girls dont really think about this one but once you have a perm it will grow your hair too if you have it on a schedule and you are consistent you can train your hair to become healthy and stronger and it will grow longer.

To my african americans about hair...?

Because perming your hair after taking out braids puts too much stress [tight braids and THEN turing around and putting chemicals in it!?!? a **BIG** no-no] all that strain on your hair will probably make it fall out :(

Wait a couple of weeks so that your scalp can "recover" from the stress of the braids, then relax it :)


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