Saturday, August 1, 2009

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

Giggles.. now with the question phrased that strongly you know you're not going to get any "real" insight or answers from the Permies.. They are all on the defense now.

Peace n nappiness

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

no. i am affended!

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

i perm my hair because i like the way it looks...nothing against my african features... :)

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

I don't relax my hair, it's natural. Though I have in the past. It's usually when I want a different look. I think my features are hot with or without modifiaction.

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

ashamed of my african features because i perm my hair, hmmm......interesting question. Well im not ashamed of my features at all, but i perm my hair when i want to wear it straight, and i leave it natural when i want to wear it curly or kinky.

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

If I was ashamed of my heritage I would have pulled a Michael Jackson. Straight hair is lower maintenance, more versatile, and its easier to put under a hat! :)

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

No. I relax because I like the way I look.

It's my hair afterall...If I want to look nappy or froed out I'll do that. But it's my personal decision to relax my hair.

And what does being ashamed of my features have to do with anything.

I look damn good!

Relaxed or not (I'm sure).

I'm Black and I'm proud a relaxer does not take away from that and natural hair does not add to that.

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

I don't think African American women should be singled out. White women and many other races alter their natural hair texture by getting perms, etc... And furthermore white people go to the tanning bed so would you say they are afraid of their natural color???? People with straight hair get perms, people with brown hair color it Blonde, and the list goes on. Think about it!!! By the way I am not even black.

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

Because I don't know wut else to do wit ma hiar. when i wuz younga it didn't matter , but now that i'm older wut else am i supposed 2 do ! ....

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

I am natural but I don't find people that have relaxed hair un-enlightened. I hear this mess a the time. Your hairstyle does not represent you understanding of who you are as an African American. Grow up.

Did you go natural to prove that you aren't ashamed of being black. Because if you did that's sad. You shouldn't do anything to make a point for somebody else. Be You. Whatever that is.

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

hi :p even though I'm somewhat mixed my hair is really thick I mean thick but I don't relax my hair all the time I just get it braided so it can grow and stuff. And I'm not ashamed I glad I have a mixed background and what African features would that be the big butt? the frizzy hair the lips? plus most Africans in African are Muslims(except 4 the tribal ones) which goes back way before Jesus' time plus back then women were know 4 wearing wigs and using hair dyes I DONT KNOW WHERE THEY GOT IT FROM lol . But I CANT ANSWER 4 MOST BLACK GIRLS. Peace :p Lil

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

sister, I think you have issues

I'm sure all the hot chics who get all the hot guys can tell you why, but if that helps you raise your self esteem then I'm all for it

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

Well, I don't have a curly perm or a permanent relaxer; my hair is natural and have been for almost a decade. However, when I did do the perm thing it had nothing to do with being ashamed of my African hair. I had it done because the time, strength, and backbone that it took to do my hair were just too much for my poor beautician mother to handle. The funny thing is that as I went natural, I went to several salons that specialized in natural hair but once they put water to my hair, they had a look like, "oh my gosh, what did I just get myself into." I now do my own hair because it takes to long for others to figure it out.

My point is this: don't assume that just because a woman of color has some kind of perm she is ashamed of her features.

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

Well, this is a good question. I wear braids I tried the relaxer thing but I didn't like it. Too much chemicals and stuff. I am proud of my hair and I love wearing braids. Black girls who wear relaxers may not always be ashamed of their hair, they must just like that style.

African American women, why do you relax your hair? Are you ashamed of your African features?

Yes, I believe many of us feel ashamed of our hair.

In the U.S. straight light coloured hair is beautified; whereas tightly curled hair is deemed undesirable, and if you are a woman who happens to have dark or tightly curled hair , or wiry textured hair ; you are expected to do something about it; " they " cannot fathom WHY your hair isn't lightened and/or straightened...

It can be lonely and frustrating...

However, there's always an alternative; you could live a lye !!!

Although, I must say in the defense of those who do choose to lighten and/or straighten their hair, that some do it simply for cosmetic reasons; although I do know from personal experience that depending on what kind of hair you choose to have, will effect the type of men who will approach you; interesting isn't it ?

It's not only African American women who are LYEING : there's also women of white descent, who have mediterranean lineage, and women who have middle eastern descent, and basically anyone who has undesirable hair.

My eldest sister had a Jewish friend who was pressured to " do something " wih her tightly curled , frizzy hair. They wanted her to makit look nice; which meant lightened and straightened... *** sigh ***

Essentially, they felt she looked too Jewish, and they ( friends, and family ) felt that she would be held back in life by her looks... Sad as it may sound, there is truth to that... She ended up getting her nose " done " and lightened and straightened her hair as well ; hey - they were birthday gifts !!!

Another example is Paris Hilton; yes, Paris Hilton !!!

As much wealth and fame as this young girl has , it's still not enough, her hair is bleached , and she wears custom made blue contact lensesto cover her brown eyes... As young and as rich as she is, even she recognises the allure and power of the " Barbie Image ".

Anyhooo, I said all that to say, that we're not the only ones who are trying to look less ethnic; many women from different descents are trying their best to capture beauty; and sorry to say , it tends to lean towards the " Barbie Image ", how else do you explain dark complexioned people sporting blonde wigs/weaves and blue contact lenses ? They believe they're attractive, but in reality, they look possessed !!! *** shudder ***

What can we do ? Why don't we put the bleach, peroxide, perms, relaxers, bleaching creams, colored lenses away, and for a month, celebrate natural beauty ...

It'll take some adjusting to, but think of all the sweet moolah, we'll save !!!

Happy to be nappy,love and light to you, tishy

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