Oh, we just go down to the river in Mississippi and ask the our slave masters to give us a good scrub and a treatment, then they give us a complimentary roller set..sometimes I get back on the banana boat and row back to my country just to let it dry under my coconut tree..
How do African American's wash their hair?
Like everyone else I'd assume...
How do African American's wash their hair?
How do African American's wash their hair?
Shampoo and Water
How do African American's wash their hair?
I'm going to take a stab in the dark here, but I would guess....WITH SHAMPOO AND WATER???
How do African American's wash their hair?
Well, I'm not sure how other groups wash their hair, but as an African American woman, I get in the shower, get my hair wet, shampoo, rinse, and condition.
There isn't any special technique to it.
How do African American's wash their hair?
we shampoo twice and condition... just the same as all races...
How do African American's wash their hair?
With shampoo.
How do African American's wash their hair?
Lather, rinse, repeat. No offense, but what planet are you from that you would need to ask that? Are there no black people in your life?
How do African American's wash their hair?
Just like everyone else. Do you know of any way to wash anything without cleanser and water? Not talking about dry cleaning, you might be that stupid
How do African American's wash their hair?
i know what you mean.. in some black people it looks like their hair is very hard to wash.. especially when they braide it or have dreads.. but even if they do they still wash it daily i've heard and use shampoo like everyone else... the only difference is their hair is a lot more thicker and in males it usually curles to the surface of their head.. but that doesnt mean its unwashable!
How do African American's wash their hair?
We wash our hair the same way everyone else does (with shampoo and conditioner) the only difference is how often. Most African Americans wash their hair once a week if it is not braided with micro braids, in which case we would wash our hair once we take the braids down. People who wear micro braids tend to keep them in for weeks or a couple of months at the very longest. Another difference between our hair care and the hair care of most everyone else is that we (those of us that don't have relaxers, also referred to as perms, have to spend more time coming out our hair while it is wet. Starting at the ends and working our way up, because our hair gets really kinky (or frizzy) when it is wet.
How do African American's wash their hair?
We wash it just the same as any other race. Don't think that just because our hair is different that we wash it different too. It's just a different texture, but that's about it. We wash our hair the same as the next race.
How do African American's wash their hair?
shampoo and water n that whole rinse and repeat like everyone else
How do African American's wash their hair?
African americans wash their hair like every other person but when they have cornrows they put shampoo on their finger tips and slide it over and between each cornrow
Are you racist?
I hate when people are racist. I think it is mean.
It is better to refer to them as colored or whatever
How do African American's wash their hair?
they are human beings just like u and me what kind of foolish question is this why do u people ask black people dumb questions about their hair
How do African American's wash their hair?
helloooooo. dawww! we wash like every one else.
How do African American's wash their hair?
The old dumb question is a question left unasked. We wash our hair just like everyone else. The only difference is our hair produces almost no oil so we only have to wash it about once a week.
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