Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why most african american guys are bald or have less hair.?

Is it genetics or fashion.

Why most african american guys are bald or have less hair.?

They choose too, plain and simple.

Why most african american guys are bald or have less hair.?

uhhhhhh........................ weird-eee

Why most african american guys are bald or have less hair.?

You must be a white guy!

1. Women find it VERY, VERY, VERY, sexy (on most men of all races)!

2. Easier to maintian than a fro.

3. Receeding hairlines are not attractive (to alot of women, not all).

4. It could be a combination of genetics AND fashion.

5. WHY DO YOU CARE??? If it was only a fashion question, what difference does it make? There are people who wear blue, green, purple, and various other colors of hair, but I don't see you asking about that. I see men of other races wearing bald heads too (all sexy in my limited opinion)....why does it matter that african-americans do too?

6. Get a life!

Why most african american guys are bald or have less hair.?

It is neither genetics or fashion. It is your imagination

Why most african american guys are bald or have less hair.?

If they didnt they would all have afros thats why.

Why most african american guys are bald or have less hair.?

omg u are so offenzive to pplz.

Why most african american guys are bald or have less hair.?

Get a life. There are many haircuts and styles for African American men. My personal favorite happens to be dreadlocks... the long thick ones preferably up to 3ft long. Check your sources dude...

1 comment:

  1. because it is more manageable than the kinky hair they naturally have. notice most black guys in corporate are bald-headed are pretty close to it for a neater appearance.
