Hi, I actually read this really good article about tips for the perfect afro, you'll find more useful information there I'm sure:
How do i get the afro puffs in my hair? i have kind of coarse %26amp; am african american mixed w indian?
try buying hair pieces r frizz your hair
How do i get the afro puffs in my hair? i have kind of coarse %26amp; am african american mixed w indian?
dry out your hair.....thats what black hair is.
dried out hair. soo...............justttt blowdry it wen you take a shower and yeah.
How do i get the afro puffs in my hair? i have kind of coarse %26amp; am african american mixed w indian?
Hi! I have the type of hair that can be straight or curly.You can get a rat tail comb and tease your hair till you feel that its a afro puff then spritz it with pump it up regular. Or you can just easily go the beatuy supply store and buy an afro puff piece. I recommend that you go to the chinese people who owns the hair store (not trying to be funny) rather going to Sally's. If we lived near each other I would do it for you.
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